area map of pando with lower pando south emphasized

Explore Pando

Lower Pando South Section

Route 17

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  1. Click the “Play” on viewer
  2. Click full screen box in top right of play box
  3. Drag your mouse to move around in space
  4. Click next for previous image to advance
For Mobile Device Users
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  1. Tap “Play” on viewer
  2. Click full screen box in top right of play box
  3. Hold phone in hand and move your arm around in space or, drag your finger on the screen to pan around
  4. Tap or Swipe next for previous image to advance
For VR Headset Users
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  1. Click “Play” on viewer
  2. Click full screen box in top right of play box
  3. Move head or body around in space or use hand controls to drag or pan around
  4. Click next for previous image to advance

Friends of Pando is dedicated and working to educate the public, support research and preservation efforts and inspire stewardship of Pando, the world’s largest tree.

Your gift of only $14 a month will help protect Pando for generations to come.

Make a one-time or, recurring tax deductible donation today.



Friends of Pando is a proud partner of Pando’s public land stewards, Fishlake National Forest of the U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture.

 Learn more about our partnership.

Friends of Pando and its partners are equal opportunity employers.

Contact - White

Friends of Pando
PO Box 12
Richfield, UT, 84701
Phone: 435-633-1893
IRS EIN: 87-3958681