
Meeting Pando: an artist’s impressions

Friends of Pando Nature feeds my soul and lifts my spirit—no question about it. When I’m feeling blue, a walk in the woods will set me right again. On this particular bluebird day in Utah, I was decidedly not feeling blue and my soul was shining brighter than ever. My mood was lifted by a

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Friends of Pando is dedicated and working to educate the public, support research and preservation efforts and inspire stewardship of Pando, the world’s largest tree.


Friends of Pando is a proud partner of Pando’s public land stewards, Fishlake National Forest of the U.S. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture. Learn more about our partnership.


Friends of Pando and its partners are equal opportunity employers.


Just $14 a month supports work to ensure Pando can be enjoyed for generations to come. Make a one-time or, recurring tax deductible donation today.

Friends of Pando
PO Box 12
Richfield, UT, 84701
Phone: 435-633-1893
IRS EIN: 87-3958681